“I want to live a satisfied life, but I’ve no idea how.”
“Is this it? This isn’t the life I expected. Something has to change.”
“Time is running out and something is still holding me back.”
“I can do more, but I am not going in the right direction. I need someone to help me with this.”
Does that resonate?
Try this instead:
“I’ve done a full assessment of my life and, while there will always be variables to manage, I know myself, where I want to go, and I have the vision, strategies and tactics to get there.”
“I feel a new sense of confidence and calm that I will live my life with informed intent. I no longer have that awful, nagging doubt that I’m not doing everything I can to seize my days and be be proud of how I am living.”
Does that sound better?
What is this type of counseling about?
You may reach a point in your life where you can no longer ignore a disquieting feeling that you are on the wrong path. You might have a deep sense something could be different. Maybe there are unresolved issues from your past. You may have had a health scare, allowed yourself to drift, or maybe you’re confounded by existence. Perhaps you’ve even accomplished everything you’ve set out to and are now staring at a dreadfully blank canvass with no idea what to do next.
You may be experiencing anxiety, confusion, depression, dread, a sense of being overwhelmed, frozen or marooned, or be paralyzed by excessive uncertainty.
Running beneath all of this may also be an unrelenting current of awareness of your mortality, demanding that you do something, now.
But…… do what???
In short, something isn’t sitting well with you.
I can help you assess your life: your past, your present, what you understand to be your problems plus any you may be unaware of that have delivered you to this point.
Then I can help you – with you in the pilot’s seat- develop a fully self-informed plan for how to approach the remainder of your life.
This approach can be thought of as a combination of psychotherapy, coaching and being held accountable for building a life that you really want.
Yes, life is plainly unpredictable and we won’t pretend otherwise. But it’s far better lived when you know yourself and your whys and hows, and have developed a Philosophy + Vision + Strategies + Tactics for how you want to spend the rest of your existence on this earth.
That may sound like a weird or overly corporate way of approaching things, but I’ve seen firsthand that doing the work to identify the big picture and then break it down into manageable parts that are regularly adjusted actually works.